We're Not Really Strangers is a purpose-driven card game and movement all about empowering meaningful connections. Partnering with Tinder, WNRS will place their game into the hands of the people who need it most-strangers trying not to be.

This partnership will allow Tinder users to get to know each other beyond the surface level, before committing to a first date.

We created a partnership between We're Not Really Strangers and Tinder. Using Tinder as the host for WNRS, when users match with one another they have the option to play the game or not. When you go to message your match(es), a WNRS button will be in the top of the chat screen. The button will randomly generate card prompts that will be sent in the chat to your match promoting a deeper connection and avoiding those awkward first messages.

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To promote the partnership, each brand will post on Instagram.

Pop-up speed dating events hosted by Tinder will be held in popular cities across the United States. Instead of the typical speed dating, attendees will have a set of WNRS cards that will be used in order to get to know one another better.

AD: Mason Joiner

CW: Michael Toddy

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